Tips for the Trousseau

By: Jimmy Cox

Probably there are few other words in the language which awaken such delighted response in feminine hearts as "trousseau". It announces, first of all, that a young woman is preparing for marriage. It implies that she will have the loveliest underthings as well as outer costumes that she has ever had and that she can possibly afford.

It means, too, that she will have the joy of shopping, not only for herself but for her new home - and everyone knows what shopping means to a woman! While in an older age the bride's dowry was the most important aspect of her preparation for her new life, in our modern life the trousseau has largely supplanted the dowry.

Clothing, exclusive of bridal attire, which should be included in a trousseau:
Fur coat (optional) or a little fur jacket, stole, skins, etc.
Cloth coat - dressy
Cloth coat - sports
Raincoat and umbrella
Going-away suit - traditionally any color except black; it can be tailored or dressy
Daytime suit - dressmaker type, tailored or sports 4 to 6 blouses - tailored or soft and feminine, or sport, depending upon the type of suits
1 or 2 sweater sets
Good skirt or more everyday skirts (many girls like to wear them around the house instead of house dresses)
4 to 6 aprons
1 black cocktail dress for hotel dinner-dancing on honeymoon
1 daytime dress for luncheons and sightseeing
1 pair of slacks
Swim suits or ski clothes as needed
1 short evening dress or more if the honeymoon plans include many evening parties, such as shipboard cruise
1 formal evening dress if your plans provide an occasion for it

Shoes to match costumes: in addition -
1 pair white mules for bridal negligee and nightie
1 pair mules to match tailored robes
Dozen pairs of stockings - colors to harmonize with costumes (but remember the economy of buying several pairs of one color to match, as runs occur!)
Pairs of evening stockings
Walking shoes or loafers, depending upon plans
Swim shoes if, for instance, you are planning a seashore honeymoon

Gloves, hats and bags according to taste and needs of honeymoon
Jewel case
1 dozen white linen handkerchiefs
3 or 4 scarves, including 1 filmy evening scarf
1 evening wrap for summer
1 evening coat (if your wardrobe does not include a fur coat or jacket; or in addition to, if the budget permits)

General points a bride should keep in mind concerning her trousseau clothes:
Unity of color: if she selects one basic color such as navy, grey or brown, she will find that her clothes can be worn together with harmony and that the same accessories will augment more than one costume. Simplicity of design will lend itself to more versatility and adaptability than over-elaborate or fussy clothes, and may be worn for more occasions.

The best quality will in the end be the most economical because of longer wear. Also the best quality clothes are usually cut so well that they retain style long beyond less expensive selections. If the budget will not permit the best quality in all clothes, cut down elsewhere but buy the very best coats and suits you can possibly afford.

Buy attractive, gay accessories - hats, gloves, jewelry, scarves, belts. These will change the appearance of your basic suits and dresses and create the effect that your wardrobe includes many more costumes than it actually does.

Further to give your wardrobe versatility and variety, use mix and match separates. Select styles that not only are suitable for your height, weight and proportions, and colors that complement your own coloring, but are those in which you feel happy and comfortable.

If you feel best in tweeds and knitted suits and dresses, stress these in your wardrobe, providing other clothes only for those occasions demanding them. If you prefer softer, more feminine fashions, have more dresses and fewer suits. In any event, and above all, keep the informal sports items such as slacks, pedal pushers, jeans and shorts in their place - active sports, lounging, housework or outdoor work.

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