Tips for Bridal Showers

By: Jimmy Cox

While the happy couple is busily working over their budgets, buying their trousseaus and planning the new home, friends and relatives begin to think of showers. In the old hymn, the "showers" are of blessings, but the parties for a bride-to-be are for showering gifts - whether these are blessings or otherwise depends upon the planning of those who give the showers.

As communities in this country became less primitive and work by friends not essential to setting up housekeeping, showers took on a more purely social aspect. Also, they became the tradition for the bride. Recently, however, there is a trend toward a joint shower for the bride and groom. But the purpose of the shower remains the same as it was in the beginning - to help the bride start her new life well-equipped with utilitarian gifts.

Of course in our present day of electronics and high styling, utility is not necessarily divorced from luxury. If the bride happens to be one who "has everything," then the gifts may be directed toward a particular interest or hobby. Whatever kind it is, showers are fun - and sometimes a surprise.

There are four kinds of showers:

(1) bride's shower; (2) groom's shower; (3) joint shower; (4) special showers.

Gifts given at bride's showers - Personal - Oxford Bible (white); cashmere sweaters; a wedding etiquette book; scarves, including a filmy evening scarf; gloves; handkerchiefs; stockings; purse accessories including a purse size perfume bottle filled with the bride's favorite fragrance.

A stationery "trousseau" - a writing case, pen and pencil set, address book, engagement book, Wedding Gift Book, a filled stamp book.

Bed accessories - boudoir pillow, boudoir pillow covers, nylon blanket cover, electric blanket, mattress cover, bedspread, hot water bottle and cover, lavender bags for sheets.

China, glass, silver, linen.

Entertainment aids - casserole and warming stand, favorite coffee makers such as French pottery drip coffee pot of "Chemex," glass coffee bottles with filters, pie or cake serving knife, salt and pepper mill, sugar and cream pitcher, after dinner coffee cups and saucers.

Sewing accessories - scissors, needles, pins, thimbles, thread, sewing basket, button box, patterns, idea books, tape measure, yard stick, hem marker, chalk, pin cushion, darning egg.

Groom's showers: Bar accessories - measuring jiggers, coasters, bar towel, cocktail, Old Fashioned, highball glasses, ice crusher, ice bucket, cocktail shaker, pitcher, bar strainer, spoon, cork screw, bar apron, cocktail tray, bottle opener, wine bucket cooler, ice tongs, lemon squeezer, trays, beer steins.

Liquor - Scotch, Bourbon, rye, vodka, gin, wines (white, rose, red, champagne), cordials, liqueurs, brandy, beer, bitters, grenadine.

Personal - handkerchiefs, ties, socks, suspenders, studs, shaving lotions and creams, billfold, money clip, cuff links, tie clasp, brushes, stud box, collar box.

Joint shower for bride and groom: Books - Shakespeare, a set of Dickens, Hardy's novels, short stories, plays, classic or modern poetry, nature studies, animal books, such reference books as dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlas, famous quotations.

Kitchen utensils - kitchen knife set, knife holder, scissors, clock, egg timer, canister set, bread and cake boxes, bread board, rolling pin, pastry blender, cake tins, pie plates, pots and pans, kitchen towels, tea towels, dish cloths, dish mops, dish pan.

Scrub - brushes, pail, sponges, mops, rubber gloves, steel wool, floor wax, glass cleaner, feather duster, broom, dust pan and brush.

Luggage - matching train case, hat box, weekender, overnight, Pullman, wardrobe, overseas.

Cupboard supplies - biscuit, cake, frosting, pie crust, pudding mixes, olive oil, vinegars, cider, red wine, malt, salad dressings, spices, sauces, flavorings, herbs, canned goods, cook books.

Special showers: Money - special "gift checks" which may be bought from a bank, or a gift certificate from a department store.

A "Double" - two prospective brides who are planning a double wedding, or two girls who are planning to be married within, perhaps, a month of each other and who have many mutual friends.

A "postal" for a girl who is living or working away from her home and group of friends - as the title implies, the gifts are mailed to her.

A "post-wedding" - a surprise visit to a couple recently returned from their honeymoon, where the gifts are brought by friends to the new home.

With a little planning any shower you plan will be a success.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As communities in this country became less primitive and work by friends not essential to setting up housekeeping, showers took on a more purely social aspect.which gives details on bed accessories and helps you.

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